one question for .bat file


I'm very sorry for such simple and silly question but I cannot answer it by myself.
Can you please help me?

In .bat file I should run the C program which is in other directory, and the input configuration file is in this directory too.
This dir name is in dirRun variable. The name of the conf file is in conf variable.
The command is:
"%dirRun%\program.exe" "%dirRun%\%conf%"
It failed because a blank appears between directory name and program.exe and conf file name.
The /bat file works on Windows 2000.

Thank you in advance,

I'm afraid you're on a wrong forum with this question, this is a Unix/Linux forum.
Having saying that, you can try to quote the variables like:

"%dirRun%"\program.exe "%dirRun%"\"%conf%" 

Well, this subforum is "Special Forums - Window & DOS"... so perhpas it is acceptable here.

Your variable dirRun would be where I would look for further info. Perhaps there is a space at the end of the variable.
I script in DOS to coordinate data with my unix system, so how you approached looks fine.

set dirRun=c:\mydir

should be fine.

Sorry - yes, you are right.
I'll try to find the need field to question.
Thank you!

P.S. To my regret your variant doe not work for me.