One Autosys Problem

I have an autosys job say "job12345" . it has a a time dependacy. it does not depend on any other job. Once i put the job on HOLD. then after some time i directly marked it to INACTIVE after its normal run time is past. i didnt not off HOLD it but made directly to INACTIVE.

I can see the next day the job didnt ran automatically. The fact i knew that if the job's status is IN, then it should run.

Did anyone faced the same issue? do you know what is the problem here?


As far as I recall, you need to specifically take the job OFF HOLD once it has been put ON HOLD. Simply marking to INACTIVE will not be enough...

when you will run the below command to check the Date Cond? field you will see the the date condition for the job has been met..

job_depends -c -J

now either you have to do update_job or put in on-hold and off-hold again..

thats how autosys works