On optimization criteria for EP applications


This picture shows optimization of sitting on chairs, I actually know a person who sits on a big ball when he works, claiming it is good to his back. I have read with interest Paul Vincent's report on the OMG Real-Time workshop (since I cannot be everywhere, it is good that other people are reporting on what's happening, and Paul is especially good on reporting on conferences), in this meeting there has been a discussion about metrics for metrics for how to measure event processing applications. We don't have a standard benchmark yet, and I don't believe in a single benchmark fits all - but on a collection of benchmarks based on classification of applications. I would like to go deeper into the issue of "runtime performance" mentions there -- interestingly "runtime performance" means different things to different people, and indeed different application have different requirements -- if we just look at the metrics of -- latency and throughput, then we have the following variations of goal functions (this is probably not a complete list):

  • min (average e2e latency)
  • min (max e2e latency)
  • min (variance e2e latency)
  • min (deviation from time constraints)
  • max (input throughput)
  • max (output throughput)

The metrics are not identical - in latency there is a difference if the metrics is to minimize average latency or minimize maximal latency. For example, in Java the maximal latency can suffer from garbage collection that will make it untypically high, while "real-time Java" implementations that smooth the garbage collection minimize the maximum latency, but the price is that the average latency may grow. Throughput can be measured by input or output events, which are not really identical. Each of these goal functions indicates different kind of optimization, and this is just by looking at two parameters of throughput and latency...

This poses two interesting questions: will there be partition of the market according to optimization capabilities, or will be able to generate adaptive software that will be able to be tuned to multiple optimization ? more about performance metrics - later.
