Odd vi error

I have a weird think going on, on one of my servers.

vi filename
"/var/tmp" No such file or directory

What going on here?

vi is using /var/tmp to store temporary files. It seems your server is lacking that directory.

Thank for your help
I thinking that as well and made the directory. vi seems to work now. I don't know why the directory was missing. The permission on the directory on anther server is drwxrwxrwt. What is the t at the end? I will have to look it up.

It is sticky bit. You can set it using:

chmod +t /var/tmp
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Sticky bit is usually set on /tmp/ because it alters how permissions work on a folder. It means that users can't delete files that don't belong to them, as opposed to the usual behavior where having write-permissions on the folder means you're allowed to delete any files in it.

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