Obtaining your external IP address using a Unix Utility

Hello, this is my first post on the Unix forums. This is something that's been bothering me for a while, is there any particular UNIX/Linux application that will allow you to see you external IP address? :confused: ( The address beyond your router )

Thank you in advance, I could not find a solution to this using google. Many of the solutions I found pointed me to websites that simply gave you your external ip, but i thought it would be nice to do this from within the comfort of the terminal.

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for :

try from the command prompt

nslookup username

Devaraj Takhellambam

Thanks, using nslookup with my user name gives me my routers' IP address, and another IP address I'm not too familiar with, but it starts the same numbers in the first group, but the rest are different.

Do you know of any other utilities that would provide me with similar information?

Sure, it is kind of a round about way but it will work. Try using lynx which is just a text based web browser and visit IP Chicken - Whats my IP address? ip address lookup

Hey, thanks, I'll alias this now, and turn it into a useful function that just spits out that one line. Thanks!! :smiley: