Obtain Memory on HP UNIX


Does anyone know an easy way of getting the memory usage on a UNIX box? I basically want to find the total % available/in use. Running vmstat gives me 'avm' and 'free' but come in bytes and not percents. Didn't see a switch in sar that just gave me the memory stats similar to Sun's -r command.

Oh, and I need it to come one one line (like sar or vmstat).


Currently, we are looking for something that does exactly what you say... :wink:

If you find something or i ... please be in touch. Regards.


Have not found anything. Any luck on your side?


Glance PLUS is going to do what you need, but you'll have to pay for it depending of the version of HP-UX you have. I know that it comes with the Enterprise OE version of HP-UX but you have to buy a pack for Foundation OE version.

 GlancePlus C.03.85.00          09:51:39     xxxx     ia64    Current  Avg  High
CPU  Util   SSSSSSUUUUUU                                       | 24%   24%   24%
Disk Util   FFFFFFFFFFF                                        | 21%   23%   24%
Swap Util   UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRR                       | 54%   54%   54%
                                  PROCESS LIST                      Users=  312
                              User      CPU Util     Cum     Disk           Thd
Process Name   PID   PPID Pri Name   (  400% max)    CPU   IO Rate    RSS   Cnt
xxxxxxx       8449      1 168 xxxx     42.2/21.7  7489.5  0.2/ 0.0   1.2mb    1
xx           26306  25776 198 xxxx     18.7/19.9  6877.4  0.0/99.0   1.9mb    1
xxxxxxx       8306      1 185 xxxx      1.8/19.9  6879.1  343/99.2   1.2mb    1
xx           24642  24641 148 xxxx      1.5/ 0.8    37.0  229/14.3   2.3mb    1
xx xx        15611  15610 154 xxxx      1.1/ 0.0     1.5  8.7/ 0.3   2.1mb    1
xxxxxxxx      1876      1 -16 xxxx      0.8/ 0.4  9881.3  0.0/ 0.0  22.3mb    2
xx            8066   8065 154 xxxx      0.6/ 0.0     0.6  6.8/ 0.1   2.7mb    1
xx            9621   9620 154 xxxx      0.6/ 0.0     2.7  8.7/ 0.2   3.7mb    1
xxxxxxxx      3742   3739 154 xxxx      0.4/ 0.1     0.3  3.4/ 0.0  21.8mb    2
xx            8332   8331 154 xxxx      0.4/ 0.2     3.7  2.1/ 0.8   3.5mb    1
xx           26653  26651 154 xxxx      0.4/ 0.0     1.2  7.6/ 0.1   5.0mb    1
xxxx         17820  17819 148 xxxx       0.2/ 0.5 11723.1 38.5/ 0.4   3.1mb   71
xxxxx           53      0 134 xxxx       0.0/ 4.3  100794 15.8/30.4  11.4mb   46
                                          0               9.5                 2

PxT pioneered a technique involving invoking pstat from perl. I have been studying the technique in preparation for a script I plan to write. I have tried to write a script to solve your requirement. I may have succeeded. I have only tested it on one system. The total physical memory matches what I from cstm. Free memory matches what I get from vmstat. And the percentages match what I get from glance. So it may be working. But no guarantees. :smiley:


local($PSTAT, $PSTAT_STATIC, $PSTAT_DYNAMIC) = (239, 2, 3);
local($struct_pst) = ("\0" x 156);
local($struct_psd) = ("\0" x 2904);

syscall($PSTAT, $PSTAT_STATIC, $struct_pst, length($struct_pst), 1, 0);
($pages, $psize) = (unpack("x16LL", $struct_pst));
syscall($PSTAT, $PSTAT_DYNAMIC, $struct_psd, length($struct_psd), 1, 0);
$free = unpack("x64L", $struct_psd);
$mb = ($psize / 1024) * $pages;
$mb = $mb / 1024;
print "Physical Memory: ",$mb,"MB\n";
print "Free Pages: ", $free, "\n";
$pcfree = 100. * $free /$pages;
$pcused = 100. - $pcfree;
printf(" %0.2f%% free          %0.2f%% used \n", $pcfree, $pcused);
exit 0;