Numerical Decision

I'm tryning to do something like this,

I have this file:

I want to copy to another file the lines that have the number above 10...

I thought using sort -rn but I don't know how to discard the lines that have the number below 10.

Any idea?


awk '$1>10' < inputfile > anotherfile

That was what I wanted to do. Thanks.

Another question, is it possible to do something like this in a shell script? If not how can I do? I've already tried this, but didn't worked....

for i in 5 10 15 20
awk '$1>i' <inputfile >outputfile

I've already tried with a for inside the awk, but it still didn't worked.

Thanks in advance

awk '$1>lim' lim=$i < inputfile > anotherfile