Number of *.txt files which have over n lines?

Can you help me please?
I know that

wc -l *.txt

gives you the number of lines in each file. But how can i count the files that have over n lines?

Note, I did the grep to exclude the total line; perhaps other ways to accomplish this also.

> wc -l * | grep -v " total"
      0 delete_extra
     18 file01
      3 file01k
      3 file02
      4 file05
      4 file06
      4 file08
      4 file09
      3 file10
      0 file11
      1 file12
      5 file13
      7 file14
      7 file14n
      5 file15
     12 file15_1
      3 file20
     25 file21
      4 file22
     17 file23
      3 file24
      0 pass_var
     10 play_file14
      0 resnum
      0 scsi35
      8 sort_22
> wc -l * | grep -v " total" | awk '$1>10'
     18 file01
     12 file15_1
     25 file21
     17 file23

One way -

wc -l *.txt | awk -v n=$n '$1>n' | wc -l

Without needing the grep, as in my previus example
(to exclude the total line)

> wc -l * | awk '$2!="total" && $1>10'

Assuming 100 lines.

If you have GNU awk:

awk 'FNR>100{print FILENAME;nextfile}' *

Otherwise (use nawk or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk on Solaris):

awk 'FNR>100&&!_[FILENAME]++{print FILENAME}' *

With Perl:

perl -lne'print $ARGV and close ARGV if $.>100' *