Number of columns in xml file

How to find the number of columns in xml file.

i tried following command.

cat $1 | grep -c "</mdm:attribute>"
exit 0

but i am not getting accurate result which is not matching with the manual count.
data format :

<mdm:attribute> value </mdm:attribute>

Hope this will help you ..

perl -nle 'print $1 if /<\/(.+?)\>/g' file.xml | wc -l

It's not perl script it is UNIX ibm aix.

Did you try to execute the above command?

xml doesn't have "columns" per se so I'm not really sure what you want. Could you show a more complete input file and what you're expecting to get from it?

try also:

awk '{c+=gsub("</mdm:attribute>","&")} END {print c}' file.xml

The grep counts lines with matches, not matches. Preprocess the file so every > becomes a line feed and grep for "</mdm:attribute$".