ntp client configuration error

hi all
ntp client side configuration file is done but in

 # ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset    disp
 ntpserver    .INIT.          16 u    -   64    0     0.00    0.000 15937.5
*LOCAL(0)        .LOCL.           5 l   63   64    3     0.00    0.000 3937.74

in given command output ntp is point to the local machine it is not sync with the ntpserver.

Is the local daemon running?

hi DGPickett thanks for your replay
is local daemon is this one only i am right if not please tell me what it is and how to check it.
i am using svc:/network/ntp4:default this service.

# svcs -a|grep ntp
disabled       14:38:00 svc:/network/ntp:default
online         14:57:51 svc:/network/ntp4:default

A service answers inquiries, but I believe it usually takes a daemon to actually maintain the local clock. In a sense, what is called an NTP client is often an ntp server, which can be configured to not share the time of day (but why bother?) Being a service to return time of day can be just passive settings, but usually being ntp syncronized requires a daemon. I suppose you could make it run under cron, not all the time mostly sleeping.

Usually, you point all internal hosts at a couple firewalls that get time from the big bad internet. You have backup, and a local standard. If you canin ntp unnecessarily, the clocks at the end of longer chains have more variance, possibly objctionable.

the ntp client is running. if not the ntpq output won't work. for me it looks like the ntp server can not be reached or has no ntp service running. try to ping the ntp server, if that works check the configuration of the server.

traceroute has some nice options for specifying the protocol and port to test access to.