NTP Authentication Issues: Help Please!

Hello everyone,

I've been trying to set up NTP authentication between a server and a workstation. Both point to the same NTP server which is on a different physical box with its own IP address. I followed the steps below but I get the following result. How can I get this working?

Expected (on workstation):

ind  assID  status  conf  reach  auth  condition  last_event  cnt
  1  12345   f123   yes    yes   ok    sys.peer   reachable    1


ind  assID  status  conf  reach  auth  condition  last_event  cnt
  1  12345   c000   yes    yes   bad    reject   

Directions followed:
Server Configuration
�	Ensure the following entries are in /etc/ntp.conf
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
restrict -6 ::1
server <ntp.server.com>
broadcast <broadcast/multicast ip> autokey
includefile /etc/ntp/crypto/pw
keysdir /etc/ntp/
�	Generate the server-side keys
# cd /etc/ntp
# ntp-keygen -T -p password
�	Restart the NTP service
# service ntpd restart
�	Ensure that the service started
# ntpq -p
    remote       refid     st  t  when  poll  reach  delay  offset  jitter
<brdcst.address> .BCST.    16  u   -     64     0    0.000  0.000   0.000
<ntp.server.com> <refid>     5  u  17     64     377  0.000  0.000   0.000   
Client Configuration
�	Ensure the following entries are in /etc/ntp.conf
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift
restrict -6 ::1
includefile /etc/ntp/crypto/pw
keysdir /etc/ntp/
server <ntp.server.com> autokey
�	Generate the client-side keys
# cd /etc/ntp
# ntp-keygen -H -p clientpassword
�	Restart the NTP service
�	Ensure authenticated NTP is connecting successfully
# ntpq -c as
ind  assID  status  conf  reach  auth  condition  last_event  cnt
  1  12345   f123   yes    yes   ok    sys.peer   reachable    1
Crypto Configuration
�	Sample /etc/ntp/crypto/pw file
# Specify the password to decrypt files containing private keys and identity
# parameters.  This is required only if these files have been encrypted.
crypto pw <password>
Diagnostic Steps
Troubleshooting the Configuration
�	For error: "RAND_load_file /root/.rnd not found or empty"
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/root/.rnd bs=512 count=1
�	For error: "crypto_setup: random seed file not found error:"
	Add crypto
	 randfile /dev/urandom entry to /etc/ntp.conf
�	Important: Ensure that no keys, key directories, or files containing passwords are world readable