Notification after job is done

Hello everyone,

I have a server in another country, so I would like to run a notification sound, that I can hear in my computer after a job is finished, I found so many commands, like:

spd-say 'Done'

But I cannot hear any sound, the command line does NOT return any error, so I do understand that the sound will be done in the remote server, is there any way that I can hear it in my computer?

Thanks in advance

Turn up the volume...
Use a beeper extension cable...

All jokes aside: how do you connect to that computer? How do you start the remote job? Are you able to modify that job? How fast needs that notification to be?

I am connecting through SSH, using:

ssh user@IP -p PORT

I open the screen session then type this command:

ffmpeg -y -i INPUT.mp4 -strict experimental -vf drawtext=fontfile='/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf':text='TEXT':x=10:y=10:fontsize=18:fontcolor=white -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -crf 24 -acodec copy OUTPUT.mp4

Probably, Yes

Once the encoding is finished, the notification should be On

Thanks in advance

As I don't see the command being put in background, the ssh connection will stay open during the encoding running? Then, a local beep could be possible via the <BEL> character being printed.
Other sound effects will probably play on the remote computer, as you suspect. You might try opening a network connection from the remote back to your local node to run a sound program.

I tried so many methods that I found in google, but there is not response :frowning:

Can be done by a following command

# echo a Control-g character
echo ^G


printf "\007"
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I already tried the above methods, I am using Mac and the terminal server is Ubuntu but nothing happen:

# cat 


printf "\007"