not running in cron

I have written a shell script and when i run it from shell prompt it runs fine but in the cron it only runs partially.
That means cron is working fine.
there is a command which i am using in the script which doesn't run at all.
That comman uses different user privileges like ptadmin
i am not sure how to make this work.
What I am thinking is that particular comman exports the database from oracle and it take 20-25 min to execute it while i run manually. but in the cron it looks like it doesn't even try it.
Although i have checked the log file and cron is creating log file so its executing but.
Any thoughts fellows.


Check your environment differences between command line and cron.

$ env > /tmp/mycommandline.env

and add that command to your script
env > /tmp/mycron.env

Then check that you are giving the full path to commands in your script.

Read the man page on cron, crontab for further information such as:

The shell is invoked from your $HOME directory with an arg0
of sh. Users who desire to have their .profile executed must
explicitly do so in the crontab file.

you could always just source your .profile or what ever into your script.

at the top of the script do a . ./.your_profile_goes_here

thanks fellows..
I have added my commandline enviornment to my script ..
it didn't work but later on i changed my shell to k shell and it worked like piece of cake.
In ksh after my enviornment variable i used export.
PATH=/usr/abc:/usr/bcd; export PATH;

does somebody know how to do the same in csh & bourne shell.

Thanks again

sh would use the same command as ksh - csh would be

% setenv PATH /usr/abc:/usr/bcd

For csh, you would put this in the .login file, not the .profile.