Not able to start non global zone on Solaris 11

I have configured three zones on Solaris-11. These are non-global zones contain Solaris-11 only. One of the zone is not booting up, complaining about IP address in use, while it is not.

root@tdpdmsp02 # zoneadm list -icv
  ID NAME             STATUS     PATH                           BRAND    IP
   0 global           running    /                              solaris  shared
   2 tdpdmsp02-zt3ep01 running    /zone/tdpdmsp02-zt3ep01/root    solaris  shared
   3 tdpdmsp02-zt3ip01 running    /zone/tdpdmsp02-zt3ip01/root    solaris  shared
   - tdpdmsp02-zkmp01  installed  /zone/tdpdmsp02-zkmp01/root     solaris  shared
root@tdpdmsp02 # zoneadm -z tdpdmsp02-zkmp01 boot
zone 'tdpdmsp02-zkmp01': net0: could not bring network interface up: address in use by zone 'global'
zoneadm: zone 'tdpdmsp02-zkmp01': call to zoneadmd failed
root@tdpdmsp02 # zonecfg -z tdpdmsp02-zkmp01 info | egrep "address|physical"
        allowed-address not specified
        configure-allowed-address: true
        physical: net0
        physical: 48G
root@tdpdmsp02 # ifconfig net0
net0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
        inet netmask fffffc00 broadcast
        ether 0:10:e0:23:10:fe
root@tdpdmsp02 # ifconfig -a | grep -i
root@tdpdmsp02 # 

I am not able to figure out, how to fix this. But, if I am rebooting physical box (global - tdpmsp02), then this zone starts. But in that case, IP is not in <UP> status.


You need to change this:

    allowed-address not specified
    configure-allowed-address: true

To this:

    address: not specified
    configure-allowed-address: true

OR this:

    allowed-address not specified
    configure-allowed-address: false

My other non global zones are running with same parameters. Am I configuring them wrongly ?

This is because you are using a shared-ip config and the net0 device is already assigned to the global zone and has the IP already configured. IF you change this to exclusive-ip and do

ipadm delete-ip net0

you can then assign that interface to the zone and boot it.