not able to redirect the logs of a singl date in one system

Hi All,

I have around 15 servers.

I need to check for the error in /var/adm/messages in 15 servers of current date everyday and log it in one server.

rsh is configured in all servers.

The command I am using to accomplish this in shell script is

rsh <remote sever> grep 'Jun 17' /var/adm/messages >> <file>

it is showing error :

grep: can't open 17

rsh <remote sever> grep 'Jun 17' /var/adm/messages|grep -i error>><file>

rsh <remote server> grep 'Jun 17' /var/adm/messages|grep -i error>><file>---obviously not working..

Please suggest for solution.
Thanks in advance.

rsh <remote sever> "grep Jun\ 17 /var/adm/messages" >> <file>

In the script I am using the line like it:
rsh $ip "grep -i `date '+%b\ %d'` /var/adm/messages" >>log.txt

Anyway the output is not storingin in local log file . At runtime I am getting the line like below.
rsh grep -i Aug\ 08 /var/adm/messages

Please help where I am wrong.

Thanks in advance,