Not able to execute many SQL scripts within a shell script

I am using HP-UX:

I have written a ksh script where I need to connect to sqlplus and execute few sql scripts. Part of this code is -

sqlplus user/temp1234 <<!

set serverout on
set feedback off
set pages 1000
set colsep ,
set echo off

spool /home/supp1/pks/output.csv

spool off

The problem is only a1.sql is executed and disconnecting from sqlplus. Any idea why remaining scripts a2 to a8 are not being executed ?
Is there any error in the syntax?


The syntax looks fine.

Does a1.sql file have an exit in it?

No. 'a1.sql' has commit at the end

Post the contents of the following files:


Also, have you posted the entire content of this script ? Is there a "whenever sqlerror..." or "whenever oserror..." sqlplus command in your script ?


Sorry guys, can't share the complete script( its illegal :P). I just verified the code and there are no "whenever sqlerror..." or "whenever oserror..." sqlplus command in the script.

Interchange the order of the .sql files and check whether it will struck at the end of first .sql file execution.

Fair enough :slight_smile:

Is it SQL or PL/SQL?

If the latter is it being executed?


  WHEN .....

it si PL/SQL and yes it is being executed in a1.sql(ie: begin....end; ) but in a2.sql there are simply some update statements without begin... end;

could it be problem if it is not included within begin...end; ?

No, it's not a problem if it's only SQL in a2.sql.

But in a1.sql, you need a / to execute the PL/SQL, otherwise it's just an anonymous block of code that won't do anything. And nothing else will happen until it gets one.

# cat Test1
sqlplus -s /nolog <<!
conn user/pass@db
set serverout on
set feedback off
set pages 1000
set colsep ,
set echo off


# cat SQL1.sql
  dbms_output.put_line( 'OK, lets go...' );

# cat SQL2.sql
select 12345 from dual;

# ./Test1

(change SQL1.sql...)
# cat SQL1.sql
  dbms_output.put_line( 'OK, lets go...' );

# ./Test1
OK, lets go...
