non-overlapping terminals

Hi Everyone!

I was wondering if there's an easy way to have terminals (gnome-terminal for instance) be open in such a way that they're not overlapping each other?

I suppose I could play around with the --geometry option but that would imply me checking whether a terminal is already at a given place or not, which seems a bit painful.

When one opens 2 terminals in a row, the second one is usually slightly lower/more on the right than the first one, which leads me to believe that, for Gnome at least, it does such a check.

Is there an option to tell it to put it say in the next available/non overlapping spot within the X window?


None that I am aware of.

If you really want non-overlapping windows, you should probably look at one of the many tiling window managers available for the X Window system.

Thanks fpmurphy, I'm going to look into metacity (installed by default for me) and if I manage to make it work, I'll post the how-to :cool:

I think playing around with wmctrl might do the trick actually