Non-gui equivalent to SMC Management Console?

Forgive my naievety, but is there a non-Gui version of the administration tool, SMC?

I need to run this on a remote Putty login and it is just plain UNIX.
When I invoke SMC, I get java.lang.ClassLoader errors, a bunch of jibberish and a root prompt.

I have searched Google, seems as if it doesn't exist.............

install an X11 server (xming...) and enable the the x11 forwarding in ssh and putty...


Are you referring to a process or service that could be loaded?
Is there any record anywhere as to how to do this?

download xming (or any other free xserver for windows) and install it. after that enable x11 forwarding in your sshd conf file (/etc/ssh/sshd_conf), restart sshd and you are done. putty has an option for x11 (left side ssh , x11 options...).
thats all,

I have xming downloaded and installed, have x11 forwarding enabled in both Putty and in the /etc/sshd/sshd_conf file.
When I launch Xlaunch however, and start a program/connection using Putty, I get the Xwindow screen, a login prompt, and then after
logging in the Xwindow box disappears and the program closes.

The application apparently bails. There is no orphaned process or running application I can see.

Has anyone done this successfully before? I'm sure there is probably something I am missing, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks for any advice.

try to start something like xclock... or smc directly. why use a graphical login?

Thats exactly what I wanted.

A way to run SMC directly, without the graphical GUI.
But smc won't launch off the character based command line via Xming, I get java errors same as before.
I assumed this wasn't the way, and that Xlaunch must be invoked.

Maybe it's a flag off the command line?
No manual page- I don't know if there is any character-based admin tool in Solaris.
If so it's not discussed much on the web.

smc IS a graphical gui... you can administrate everything via commandline! so why use smc?

Because there are multiple people who will be using this procedure I am writing to install a software package on Solaris servers.

Some of them know AIX, but not Solaris. We will be under a time crunch.
It would be much easier if they could get into a menu driven admin console, should a problem happen.

As Regis Philbin says, "It's always easy......when you know the answer".

no such thing you're looking for. however, what duke said seems to be your best option. i would say think about the "time crunch" and take it from there. xming runs on thousands (do i dare say hundreds of thousands) of servers. however, a simple procedure to do what the other AIX admins need to do might not be so hard. then again, depends on the complexity of your motives. also, if they are AIX admins, i would think they are willing to explore another flavor of unix. i know i always am.

o and almost forgot... what package you trying to add to solaris?

pkgadd.... ??

are you building from source?

This is a proprietary software package and it is already made, Client.x.x.x.x.SPARC.pkg.

It's not a question of wanting to explore and learn other OSs. We just want to have the feature as an additional option.
smc will not be used in the install procedure.
However, it would be a nice additional tool to have, to diagnose problems and troubleshoot a system in the event a problem occurs, for those who are not Solaris experts.

No sense in going through all that trouble of creating a system interface tool, and then never even using it.
If only Windows users were so unwilling to be hand-held...........

i see what you mean. althought this seems like it might be moving away from topic but my shop deals with way to many types of hardware and OSs. HP, AIX, Linux (suse, rhel), windows 2k,2k3, solaris 10, ios, force 10 (whatever os that is), avocent style linux, blah blah blah... point is we solved many problems have having a "wiki" of each OS and the basics for trouble shooting a common issue as well as the basic commands that might lead you to getting to the root of the cause. i've solved several AIX issues and honestly won't know what to do if you put me infront of an AIX box w/o that wiki page. :slight_smile:

id say your best bet at this point is to just write the procedure.

I hate also to stray from the topic, but this is right in line with what we are doing.

One of the reasons I wanted smc is because the SPARC install package contains a straight tarball, which includes among a list of files samgr-client/root/, samgr-client/install/ and samgr-client pkgmap and pkginfo.

Although I do not currently have clearance to actually install this client yet, I do understand that

# pkgadd -d <install package>

is the syntax to install from a Solaris package. But I don't see any particular file in this tarball which is the package itself, or which by reasonable english would make you assume it is.
There are two SPARC package files:


I can't find any definitive explanation on the web, or in a Solaris book (although I've only found one so far).

All I can assume is I tar -xvf both of these tarballs from root, then execute

# pkgadd -d $PWD

From the root directory.
Is this how Solaris SPARC packages are installed?
Smc I assume, would walk you through creating this command.
The creators of this package, of course, are awol.

Thanks for any advice.

bump .