Non-Global zone take high CPU utilization.

In Production system there is 12 Non-Global Zones. So in that 12 Non-Global zones one of the Non-Global zone taking 60-70% CPU usage and load average become very high.
Running processors are 52 only.

Please advise me is there any way to reduce the CPU sharing Utilization. (Most Urgent)

ZONEID    NPROC  SWAP   RSS        MEMORY      TIME       CPU      ZONE
     7                173          62G   62G         24%            21:40:16   67%   xxxxxx61
     8                   82    5087M   5283M   2.0%       1:55:2           1.1% abcdefg
     0                   76    2552M   2608M   1.0%       22:57:17       0.9% global
     5                  184  4653M 4609M     1.8%   1:19:33              0.4% xxxxxx64
     2                   100 7000M 7275M     2.8%   2:23:21              0.2% xxxxxx59
     3                    141 6537M 6878M    2.6%   2:26:54              0.1% xxxxxx63
    10                   73 2607M 2792M      1.1%   2:27:04              0.1% xxxxxx69
     9                     68 2225M 2389M     0.9%   1:46:39              0.1% xxxxxx68
     1                 62   23G   23G                 9.0%   4:53:52              0.0% xxxxxx62
     4                65 2563M 2749M          1.0%   1:16:18               0.0% xxxxxx03
    11                81   59G   60G                 23%   0:52:52                0.0% xxxxxx70

please use code tags to make your output better readable. also put the used command to get the output in you question too.

Hi Duke,

I am using the prstat -Z command to see the high CPU Utilization zone name. please let me know any idea regarding this. it would be great helpful to me.


something inside the zone needs cpu time... look inside the zone...

Hi Duke,

We are given on 30% CPU utilization limit for this particular Non-Global zone, but this zone will took more than Actual limit. That time load average reaches 340 (52 processors only running in the box). We rebooted the server also. Any alternate way.


does this happen on and off or continues?

is the server patched with latest patch cluster? which solaris release is installed?

impt question ..:b:

HI Incredibles,

This will happen for the past one month back.


Yes, but what is the kernel patch level for your system?