nohup terminating

hi all,

i m running few batch process through shell script using nohup command but when session get terminated(due to network, reboot of desktop and closing session directly) all processes terminating abnormally and core file is generating.

application batch process is connecting oracle DB.

executing command in shell script is
nohup <process command> &

please help to resolve my problem.

thanx in advance :slight_smile:

My advice would be to run any long running jobs through a X-Server (say VNC)! :slight_smile:

If it isn't possible, then the nohup and '&' command should work.

Did you check out the nohup.out file to see its contents? That might give you some idea as to what's gone wrong.





thanks for reply.

im using nohup and '&' both for executing command and checked the nohup.out but nothing found worng.

and please explain what is x-server and VNC i do't known baout this:mad:

pl help

X server is an emulation software using which you can access unix servers through GUI.

VNC is on such X Server.

The advantage of using any X server is that the process is runnng on the server and not on the client machine. Hence, even if you close the vnc session or any x-server session, the process would still continue to run on the server. That way, you can avoid issues such as network disruption etc.

A windows analogy would be connecting to a desktop remotely using Remote Desktop Connection. Even though you close the session on the client machine, any process that is being run on the remote machine would still be running!




If the process command is trying to read from the terminal (or standard input is not redirected), nohup won't work. You should redirect input to </dev/null, a scripting file, or close it with 0<&-