nohup output on screen for some time

I'm executing a binary with nohup in a menu(shellscript) and output is going to nohup.out fine.
I need few lines of nohup.out should be displayed on screen so that I will come to know the process is successfully started and continue with other options in my menu.

Thanks in advance.

Include the below command in the middle of the script, where PATTERN. would the pattern of the lines that need to be displayed.

sed -n '/PATTERN1/,/PATTERN2/p' nohup.out

thanks michaelrozar17

Assuming you are backgrounding the binary with "nohup program &", you will need a short sleep to give the background process a chance to write some output to nohup.out.
If you are not backgrounding the binary your script will wait until the binary finishes before executing the next line.