Nohup and background jobs

Hi All,

Can someone help me in knowing the exact difference between nohup and &.

The definition is quite clear but i only want to know if i run my job using & and in between i hung up my terminal.

The definition doesn't seem to be clear. Why don't you try it out?


Actually i tried with &. my job is getting killed at terminal logout


nohup <yourscript/command> &

bash has the disown builtin that makes a background job immune to its parent logging out.

As Rudic said...

Using nohup and & script can work even if our session stopped/expired. Even if we restart the server script will continue to run automatically.

nohup sh script_name &

My Query is still not answered.

If i only use & and my terminal gets hunged. will by job will continue or will be killed.

Ex : sh &

I think it should be killed...

Is there something preventing you from conducting a simple experiment to answer your query?


It will mostly get "killed" (unless the script has a "no-action" or "some-action-other-than-exit" trap set for the HUP signal). And, as alister said, why don't you try that yourself?

My initial question in post #2 is still not answered as others are asking that too.