No Mac address present,

I have installed RHEL 6 in my new system. My sytem is physically also connected with network, but after successfully installing it is not detecting the network.
I checked, there is no /etc/sysconfig/network file present in my system.
I manually created /etc/sysconfig/network file. The problem I feel is that my machine is not detecting the hardware address which is preventing it to create eth0 ethernet.
Please help me getting out of it.

Does dmesg show the network card being detected? If yes, are there any errors following it?

No. In dmesg there is no message regarding network card.

So it may be a case of a missing driver for the card. Finding out the model of the card and googling it should help.

can you give us more information about the hardware you are using

Try restarting Network service and check the logs

service network restart

Thanks a lot. It was issue with driver. I checked and installed the correct driver.
Issue got resolved.

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