NIS yppush error

Anyone encounter this problem before ? After updating the NIS Map file in the Central copy of the NIS Master Server, i pushed the NIS maps to the client but during the push i gets this error on some of the system. I have no idea what error ' 1831-459 ' is indicating. But the Client machine that the map trying to push is active ( Pingable, able to login ). Suprisingly the NIS Maps is not updated.

yppush: 1831-459 No response from ypxfr on pfslm91
pfslm91 has been called.
yppush: 1831-459 No response from ypxfr on pfslm23
pfslm23 has been called.
yppush: 1831-459 No response from ypxfr on pfslm17
pfslm17 has been called.
yppush: 1831-459 No response from ypxfr on pfslm15
pfslm15 has been called.
yppush: 1831-459 No response from ypxfr on pfslm93
pfslm93 has been called.

Any advise... info appreciated.

I've had problems with some slaves in the past but don't recall the error number - I do know it stated no response from xxx.

Normally it was a network glitch. One time I found there was a problem on one slave. I had to re-establish it as a NIS slave.

You can check some of the things via yp commands.
Check ypxfr.log on master (/var/yp/)
Check ypwhich -m on master than on slaves - insure each has correct info for master.
Check for yp processes running on slaves (ypbind and ypserv)
Check that the domainname is same on slave and master.
Check that /var/yp/bindings/domainname/ypservers on Master has the slaves - and on slave has master.

You can try a yppush from the master with the -v option to get a better idea of the problems.