Hi ,

Is there any way we can find what the resources that are mounted by clients on a server via NFS.

I tried dfmonts but it doesn't show anything. Also /etc/rmtab file doesn't have the information.

Thanks in Advance
Pradeep P

"dfmounts" is the right command.
Are you sure you run it on the NFS server ? Are you sure resources are mounted ?

1 Solaris NFS Environment (NFS Administration Guide) - Sun Microsystems

please read documentation

There are numerous ways of showing NFS mounts, here are a few ideas:

df -kl 

will show local mounts, therefore the extra mounts listed:

df -k

will be NFS or SMB mounts (more or less).

mount | grep -v dsk

Will show non local disk mounts...

fstyp /mount/point

will tell you what type of filesystem is mounted to the specified mount point...