NFS Problem

For having shared file system i've been using nfs ,but regarding this i've some problem ,when i execute "df -ak" i can see the shared file system & i can also go there & list files ,but when i want to create anything in this area (Incld. file ,dir ....) i get permission denied. (i've shared related file system in remote machine & fill auto_master & auto_direct properly ).
the related process is also up i think ....

could anyone help me in resolving this problem ?

Regarding the NFS problem i'm really in trouble ,could anyone help me?,

i've one more problem ,in another machine when i want to mount a remote file system manually ( mount -F nfs .......) it gives me :
"RPC not registered" , what does it mean?


Check your options, and users.
The machine that exports the files, must give write permissions.
The machine that mounts the dir, must mount -rw.

You may be 'nikk' on two machines, but the user numbers may be different.
Make sure they correspond on all machines.

do man on exportfs and mount, the actual options may vary from system to system


This error is typical when you havent enabled RPC.

NFS sits on top of RPC (Remote Procedure Call) and you must have that daemon enabled as well.

/etc/services contains lots of interesting stuff, also, make sure that the daemon runs.


Sounds like your nfsd daemon is not running.

You can start it by running /etc/init.d/nfs.server start.

Also, to solve the 'permission denied' problem use the rw option when you do the mount. (ie mount -F nfs -o rw .........)

:slight_smile: The right solution is often the simplest :slight_smile:


# vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
share -F nfs -o ro=client /usr/share/man
# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start ### starts server daemons

TELNET CLIENT or physicaly move your body to the client.

# mount server:/usr/share/man /usr/share/man ### to start mounting immediatly

!!!!!!!!!!!!if you have man directory in /usr/share, remove it!!!!!!!!!

or if you want the client mount server's man pages at boot:
# /etc/vfstab ### on client !
server:/usr/share/man - /usr/share/man nfs - yes soft
# vi /etc/auto_master
/- auto_direct
# vi /etc/auto_direct
/usr/share/man server:/usr/share/man
# automount -v
# man ls ### on client