NFS on a Solaris 9 server

Hello everyone!! Long time, no see!!

I have an issue with a Solaris server that I am working with. I am trying to set up a backup solution for someone that will involve a Solaris 9 server with NFS enabled allowing a Windows machine to map a drive to it (NFS Maestro).

NFS Maestro appears to work fine. However, the NFS share that I created does not work at all. To recap what I did, I went to /etc/dfs/dfstab and typed in:

share -F nfs -o rw /test

I figured that I would tighten down permissions later. I also restarted NFS by going to /etc/init.d and restarting the NFS.server by typing in:

./nfs.server stop
./nfs.server start

Not only can I not map a drive with NFS Maestro, but I also cannot use the NFS client on another Solaris machine to map to it. I'm sure that it is something that I missed. :wall:

Can someone point me in the right direction?

I dunno much about Maestro.

On the nfs server try exportfs and share to debug your setup on Solaris

On the PC:
I assume Maestro has an equivalent command to Solaris' showount [nfs server]
That will show what the Pc thinks the nfs server can export.

/etc/dfs/dfstab - you add your shares here on the nfs server = See man dfstab

Was your server successfully sharing any NFS file systems before you modified it?

I found the problem. After modifying /etc/dfs/dfstab, I was supposed to restart NFS and all related services. Apparently, I did not do this, because I did a full reboot, and the shares worked the way that I wanted them, so all is well.

Maestro is a GUI interface, so there is no command line.

I don't think exportfs works in Solaris, but I could be wrong.