NFS mount

Hi All,

Can any one help in Mounting remote filesystems with NFS?

Thanks in advance.


Something like this?

mount -F nfs nfs_server_name:/remote_filesystem /local_filesystem

You can look at the man page of mount_nfs on a Solaris system. That should give you more details on the other options available (other options are things like mounting readonly, disabling suid programs and such).

Thanks for the reply.

I tried the mount command but I got the following error message:
Permission denied

Could you help me!


Please explain what you already know about NFS.

Then read
man exports
man showmount

Read it again, try to understand it and feel free to ask concrete questions.

There should be regexp for Opening post, and requirement to has output of "uname -a" :slight_smile: , otherwise there are different options and ways on AIX for example.