NFS Mount permissions weird

Hi all.
I have a nas mounted on a solaris box as /u04.
Currently I am getting a permission denied error from my HP DataProtector backup and when I ls -l the actual directory I get:

drwxrwxrwt   5 65535    nogroup     4096 Nov  9 13:46 u04

I also have SAN mounted as /u06 and it is fine from ls -l:

drwxr-xr-x   7 data     dba          160 Jan 25 10:07 u06

the mnttab looks like:

rcwlo-ods10g:/SAN       /u06    nfs     rw,xattr,dev=4840003    1259595509
rcw-it-nas2:/backup     /u04    nfs     rw,xattr,dev=4840004    1259676509

Any help would be appreciated.


What's the ownership of the mount points from the source?