nfs export


How to export a file system from my aix box named ABC in such a way that everyone on the network should be able to import it

When on the client side if they give showmount -e ABC it should show like this:

# showmount -e ABC
export list for ABC:
/sybase/software (everyone)

Start with:

smitty nfs

then: Network File System (NFS)

then: Add a Directory to Exports List

Put in all target client�s hostname in the /etc/hosts file by issuing the following
command: -

# vi /etc/hosts
# smitty nfs>
Network File System (NFS)>
Add a Directory to Exports List>
Hosts allowed root access>(client's hostname)
###if daemons are in inoperative mode###
# startsrc �s rpc.mountd
# startsrc �s nfsd
# mount<hostname>:<exported_nfs> <mount point>