NFS export need to be able to write to directory but not list

My issue is I want an NFS share where I can write to the directory, but not list any of the files in there. (doesn't matter if someone knows the name can open the file).

Have an NFS export for example:

drwxrwxrw-   2 cranes   staff           256 18 May 12:48 cranes

The export will only mount when the other has read. I can only access the share when the other has execute.

I would of chmod 773 the dir but then I can not mount the directory. If I mount the directory and then alter the permissions, sometimes it works as expected, sometimes it will fail (depends what Windows has cached).

Any ideas?

Which OS are you using?... You can try NFSv4 ACLs to prevent a user from listing or even seeing the existence of any file inside a directory, yet allowing him to put any file there.

chmod A+user:cranes:rc::deny cranes
chmod A+user:cranes:w::allow cranes