Next Step?? (Different Forum) Pls. help

I have decided I'm going to have my initial experiences with UNIX on the LINUX flavour.

Now it'll be most convienient for me if i have a x-windows system. But from what I understand to use UNIX in an x-windows environment you need to connect to a machine running UNIX. Obviously I don' have this. So first question, I am running WinXP; now can i download an x-windows software and then just use the interface without any connection and all. If so; what are the most "newbie-friendly" x-windows software.

If i cant do that, will I need to use partition magic or something to install Linux on another partition. Because i really need to keep my WinXp.

So please help me out here.


try the latest version of suse linux. its very easy, and itll auto detect your windows installation and leave it alone if you want.

EDIT: read the rules here. DO NOT cross post. i deleted your other thread.