newline character, space and tab after a string

no problem

Since it's your input file that's messed up, why not just edit it and correct it? I think cat -evt will show you a little more info on what is actually in the file.

I did fix it in vi .....thats not a problem ......but to automate it how do i work on it........plz suggest me .......

Try this:

perl -i.bak -0777 -ple's/(".*?)[\r\n]*(.*?")/$1$2/g' file

Hi rad,

I just copied ur command and pasted on the prompt.infact i used this

It's correct :slight_smile: The above command modified your original file (backed up in input.csv.bak). You don't need to redirect ...

wish u all the best. muaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh