Newbie to SCO

Whenever I "Print To File" do I find where the File is located?:wall:

Which program is asking you to "print to file"?
If it is your application program then you will have to find out within the application program documentation.
You may be able to find it by running the following command, and then use some intuition.

find / -mtime -1 -print

It will list all the files that have been created/modified within the last day.

are there spaces between this command line...this is what I am looking for...

for Speedway SWD, Ltd. I have �printed' the Jan through July GL-TB from RealWorld

I am lost here...Jim

The print file could be anywhere on your system. The only person who knows for sure is the person who installed, and or configured the Realworld software.
Some likely places to look are in your home directory, or a directory within the Realworld directory structure called 'spool' or 'reports'
If the person who set up your system is no longer available, and remote access to your system is possible, then I can provide that help for you.

From an earlier version, and from a questionalble memory, print files were in the real world directory (/u/rw/username/reports). YMMV.

IIRC, in print to file you are asked to name the file. You can use the find command to locate it. Once again, remember the memory problem:

at root: find / -name filename -print