newbie questions on ntp and routes

RH 7.2

I have 2 unrelated questions -

1.) I have been able to configure and run ntp but cannot figure out how to start the service upon reboot. I have read the man pages for ntsysv - this is a manual action, but I want to drop a tarball of config files on a new installation and cannot figure out what file needs to be changed.

2.) I have added a route to eth1 on my box.
"route add -net XX.XX.0.0 netmask dev eth1" which works fine, but the route has to be re-added upon reboot. How can I get this route added permanently?


OK - I've answered my question to #1 -

/sbin/chkconfig --add ntpd
/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 ntpd on

Anybody know about #2?