Newbie question on exec,fork, wait,pipe C

Hello everybody.I want to make clear that i am not going to ask from anybody to build my asignement but i have a big problem. I can't seem to find anywhere ONE good example on C about what i am trying to do:wall:.I think it is simple. All i ask is one example, even a link is fine.
So, i want to make a program (Grandfather.c) which will run 2 new existing programs (Father.c,Son.c). Father.c needs to make some calculations.He wakes up Son.c.He sends him two numbers and Son.c adds them and sends back the result.After this Son.c sleeps.
So,to sum up:
1.Grandfother.c runs the 2 programs
2.Son.c builds the pipes and falls asleep
3.Father.c wakes his son and sends him 2 numbers and falls asleep
4.Son.c adds the numbers, sends them back and falls asleep again

I have found several examples that use functions in one program,but i don't understand how to establish connection in 3 programs.Thnak you in advance!!

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