Newbie: CTRL-C being cheerfully ignored

This is my first foray into SCO -- I just installed SCO 5.0.6a under VirtualBox. After installing and getting the NIC to talk to the outside world, I decided to test it by pinging another machine in my LAN. It seems to ping other machines fine. But, when I tried to stop the pinging by doing CRTL-C, it cheerfully ignored my request. The only way I found to make it stop was to ssh in and kill the command.

Could that be a SCO-vs-VBox issue or some setting I am not aware of? Right now TERM is setup to scoansi; I tried setting TERM to vt100 but got the same outcome.

if this

stty -a

does not show

intr = ^C 

somewhere then you need to change your login script to set it:

stty erase "^H" kill "^U" intr "^C" eof "^D" susp "^z" kill "^o"

This is just an example, you may not want the other stuff.

Thanks for the info! I ended up finding out that

intr = DEL

Why? I do not know. At least with your reply I am not only aware of that but can change it. :b: