New To Unix- Need Help With Bash Commands for Printing

Urgent Help - I have a problem, I need to know how to print a count of files from a specific date that passed and that failed. Additionally, print the name of the files located on the date, print a list of all dates during which a file with a name like 'test' was processed, and then determine whether the same file was processed on multiple days and what the results were on each date? This is all on a Tab Delimited File. Can someone help pls? I need answers in a a few hours at the latest. Thanks!

Can you post some data from the TAB delimited file that you are reading that contains all this information?

File Name

The example below is just one way you can quickly get the info/counts you want:

$ cat t
FileName        Date    Pass/Fail
wr_file_load_1  2012-07-03      P
wr_test_load_2  2012-08-01      F
wr_file_load_3  2012-09-13      P
wr_file_load_4  2012-09-18      P
wr_file_load_1  2012-07-05      P

# print a count of files for a specific date that passed and that failed
perl -lnwe 'BEGIN{$p=0; $f=0}; if (/.*\t2012-09-18\tP/) { $p++ } elsif (/.*\t2012-09-18\tF/) { $f++ }; END { print "Counts for 2012-09-18= P: $p  F: $f" }' t

# print the name of the files for a specific date
perl -lne 'print $1 if /(.*)\t2012-09-13\t/' t

# print a list of all dates for which a specific file was processed
perl -lne 'print $1 if /^wr_file_load_1\t(.{10,})\tP/' t

# print file names processed on multiple dates with pass/fail code
perl -lane '%fh;%fc;$fn=$F[0];$pf=$F[2]; $fc{$fn}=$fc{$fn}+1; $fh{$fn} = $pf; END {foreach $fn ( keys %fc ) { print "$fn  $fh{$fn}\n" if $fc{$fn}>1} }' t

Thanks for the information! Can you Pipe with Grep on this too? I was wondering using print commands with grep for the specific information.

You don't need print to print to shell. Any shell command that prints to standard output can print to the screen.