Network Solution

Hello Guys:

This is more of a personal problem. I work for a University and the Univ has given me an ip address range - for my lab. Every time I bring a computer for the lab, I have to ask the university to add the dns name to the dns server. Recently we have split up within the lab and we are having trouble coexisting. So we want to separate. Now the whole setup is like this

rouetr -> firewall -> switch -> workstations/servers

There is only one port coming out of the the router and going to the my linux firewall (bridge mode) and then to the switch where i distribute all the IP tot he rest of my machine. Now I am trying to understand the University setup. This is a Class B address (135.123.39). But if I wanted to separate within or ask the univ to separate,

1) How they would do it and

2) How can I do it ?

I want to know all my options. I would be glad to provide you with more info if needed

Thanks :slight_smile:

Use DynamicDNS if you have problem of only name resolution via DNS

OK. So here is the deal. They are just gonna put a bunch of Cisco 3750 routers and put VLAN and firewall on it and separate every groups. But here is the problem:

We had only one port coming in from the university and then I have my own switch and firewall to serve and protect the intranet. Now that we should move to their (Univ) switch, we need to pay for every port (!*!$#) that is on their switch. The reason we have the configuration we have right now is because we wanted to avoid this very thing. Now please suggest alternatives. I will be happy with 100 clients. I need to make a deal but an educated one with the univ. This is why I am asking you guys.
