Network monitoring tool for Solaris 10

Hi All,

I was wondering if there is any Network Monitoring Tool for Solaris 10 to monitor a network having hybrid operating systems. I just googled it without success.

Hope, experts will guide me to get it.


what kind of monitoring do yo mean? please be more specific.

Just like Nagios in Linux. I want all client systems to be monitored from just a screen. Monitoring means: system resources (CPU utilization, disk status, Virtual memory status), status of defined services and other network resources.


if it is only for solaris systems you can use SunMC. can be downloaded from the sun website.

What's about monitoring of hybrid network.

why not use nagios? an i think there are agents for other os's for SnMC too... maybe read a little about this on the sun website...

wireshark ?

Nagios definitely works on Solaris:

Installing Nagios under Solaris 10/x86