Network interface configuration

i follow this to configure Network interface for my PC
O/S : Unix Sun Solaris

vi /etc/hostname.bge0
and write my ip

vi /etc/netmasks
and write my subnetmask

vi /etc/defautrouter
and write my gatwey

vi /etc/resolv.conf
and write my DNS

after i reboot My Computer
i write this command

ping is al live

unknown host

try to open during the firefox explorar
when i put in address
can't open this page

what can i do

Did you copy over /etc/nsswitch.conf.dns to /etc/nsswitch.conf ?

Looks like you missed that step.

(Solaris 10+) Copy it, and do 'svcadm refresh network/physical'. If refresh doesn't do it, try restart.

(Solaris 8) Copy it, and unplumb and re-plumb your interfaces.

thanks frozentin for your support but i done this command and all thing running good

cp -ir /etc/nsswitch.dns /etc/nsswitch.conf
svcadm enable svc:/network/dns/client:default
svcadm restart svc:/system/name-service-cache:default

but i have question for my experience
why solaris using NIS service is that any difference between NIS and DNS
like for Example
NIS is old version
i missing to understand the Difference between the two service {NIS - DNS}

thanks in advance

if you don't know what dns and nis is, just try to use google or wikipedia to find your answers. this is common knowledge!