Network configuration

I have installed Solaris 5.10 on Intel x86 machine (standalone).
I want to access internet through solaris. How should I configure the network? Is static IP or DHCP advisable?

It really depends on what you have and/or what you need. Both work fine.

what is your current network configuration? how are other servers obtaining IP assignment?

He said its a standalone.. probably using virtualbox or something on an intel PC

If your network has a DHCP server, Then the easiest way to connect to the internet , is to have a dynamic adress. The file used to connect to the internet is /etc/resolv.conf which is automatically updated when the network service starts.

The first part is probably correct, though it depends on what the machine will be used for and how it will be used. The second is incorrect, resolv.conf is used only to configure dns lookups, and has little to do with internet connections.