network configuration files

I have solaris 2.8 on an ultra 1 and just configured the following files:


but when I reboot, my NIC still is not configured. Which file do I need to configure to keep the NIC configured after reboot?

You should have a file called hostname.hme0 and have the hostname in that file. If your interface is different use that instead of hme0

Note that is convenient to set the file:


and the files






where X is the instance number.

You don't need to boot, to try the configuration. Modify
the mentionated files and then:

ifconfig hme0 plumb

ifconfig hme0 <your_ip> netmask <your_mask> (and other options)

ifconfig hme0 up

NOTE: If the plumb fail, probably you don't have the driver
for the interface. Also, when you add hardware to a system
you need a reconfigure reboot ( "reboot -- -r " or "touch /reconfigure" an then "reboot")

Regards. Hugo.

Changing nodename and hostname.le0 did it, thanks for your help. I did have to reboot, however. ifconfig plumb did not give any errors, but did not resolve the problem, either -- that's when I rebooted.