Netscape Installation for HPUX-11


I installed netscape 4.0 for HPUX-11 but i don`t know to configure that ,

Maybe samone know how i can gate
the procedure to installing NETSCAPE for HPUX-11 for user or server.

Thank you in advance !!!!

once the installation is complete, (with proper GUI of course), netscape browser can be started by using the command netscape &. Hope that helps? The users can also use the same command to start the browser if the executable is set in the path of the user.


Hi Yanly

Just to add.......
Once you have finished installing netscape, check for the following:
1) Do u have a graphical interface
2) If yes, just type "/opt/netscape/netscape & " on the prompt and a browser window will pop-up.
3) If no, either u shd connect a monitor to a graphics display card in the system or connect to the HP-UX box using some X browser and disable access control using "xhost +" after exporting the display on to your PC.


As a general rule, you shouldn't use 'xhost +'. You are essentially making it so ANY host can use your xsession. Make it more granular: 'xhost +<hostname or ip>' (xhost + and give Xauthority a chance.

