Netconsole help

Hello all,
I am trying to get netconsole to send syslog messages to a another server running syslogd. Both machines are slackware 14.1. The destination server has syslogd set to allow network/remote entries.

I have my home router set to use this server as a syslogger. That is working fine. I can send a test message to it via "logger -n dest_system test_message" from the source machine.

My source machine will not send any logging data to the dest syslogger though. I have tried configuring netconsole as a module, and as built in directly, along with options specified at boot up. No combination seems to do the trick. Right now I have netconsole directly included in kernel, not as module, with the below entry in my lilo.conf.

append = "netconsole=6666@,514@ loglevel=7 panic=0"

Every how-to page and man page makes it sound like this should be a simple one-line config to get started. But no joy. I have tried omitting, and including source port/IP, and dest mac. I have also tried omitting loglevel and panic entries. I have tried different source ports. Not a single message is sent to the destination syslogger. There are no errors in the bootup. It seems to accept the boot time params.