needs to display month for previous day date


I wanted to display the month for previous day date. Like, today date is 18-Nov-2008. So the previous date is 17-Nov-2008. The output should be November.

If the today date is 1-DEC-2008, then output should be NOVEMBER.
If the today date is 1-JAN-2008, then output should be DECEMBER.
If the today date is 31-DEC-2008 then output should be DECEMBER.

Here is the code i am having now.

export FILE_FORMAT=`date '+%B`

it is working for the below scenario

If the today date is 1-DEC-2008, then output should be NOVEMBER.
If the today date is 1-JAN-2008, then output should be DECEMBER.

Any help is appreciated...

Let's say your in Central Time zone.

Your timezone might be represented by

You could get the prior day by doing
(6 + 24 = 30)

$ TZ=CST30CDT date +%B

Should give you yesterday.

Alternatively you can install GNU's date program which can do date arithmetic.

If you are using ksh93

$ printf "%(%B)T" "yesterday"

Thanks Murphy.

Cjcox, Let me test this on Jan 1st 2009 and see it is displaying December.

Currently it is displaying december.. But this is not a real test now.

xx=CST30CDT date +%B
echo $xx

Thank you again.

date --d='1 days ago'  +%B

This is assuming GNU date.

You can test it like this:

# date -d "2008-01-01" --date='1 days ago' +%B