Need urgent help for reading file


I am new to shell scripting.

I have one .txt file whose name is status.txt

Now i want to read the contents of this file in a variable.

status.txt file contains the following input


now i want to read this status.txt file. Can anybody please help me to write a script so that i will be able to read the value of status.txt and store it in a variable.

No help for you. Search the forums. You have done absolutely no work, so you probably won't find anyone to help you.

This kind of thing has been asked and answered many times, so if you don't want to show that you have put forth effort, then you have to search for the answer yourself.

In the future, showing code you have written will help you get a more helpful response.


Hi ShawnMilo,

Thanks for your reply. But as i don't have the time to search so i posted the add for this.

Anywhy sorry for this