Need to set up a HP cluster system in a data center

What are the server requirements, Software requirements, Network requirements etc,
Please help me.. as 'm new 'm unable to get things done @ my end alone.

Start by looking at this PPT document:\_hp-ux/HP-UX%20������%20�ܱ�����%20����%20-%20����%20����%20\(ppt\)/mod02_Introduction%20to%20MCServiceGuard.ppt

I need to have the specification of the servers for example
OS version
Ignite softwares, HA softwares, and other softwares necessary for the same

At that, only you can respond... (you have given no clues on what you want to achieve...)
In other words it all depends for what its for, for a start you haven even mentionned what OS/Architecture you plan to mount a cluster, do the boxes already exist?

Those specs depend mostly on what you need to do. There's no "one fits all" spec for datacenters.

I don't want to insult you, but I honestly think you should put this project into the hands of someone who has the experience for it, lest it end in disaster.

Fine.. Thaks for your support...
But as a learner I want to show set up ... HELP ME.