need to remove a range of files

How come I remove the range of file from update.0001* to update.0002* and not other files.

for file in update.0001* update.0002*
    rm -f $file

Warning - TEST this first to make sure you are getting the file you want -

for file in update.0001* update.0002*
    echo "This file is gone: $file"


Thank you, that worked out...

i need to remove the line in a file, such as

<script language=javascript><!-- . . . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .

I need to remove the link with the header starts with <script language ....</scripts> Also, this line has to be removed for the files with the extension of *.html ... Could you please help me on this...


Any help on my request, please....

Try this:

sed  '/script language/,/scripts>/d'  filename

would this be easier?

rm -f update.0001* update.0002*

U can try this command: probably some modifications are required
rm -rf update.000?[1-2]*

that should also do it, although you can leave out the "-" since its only 1, 2

rm -f update.000[12]*

This cmd does the remove the line <script language> from the file.... Also, I have one doubt, the command has been closed with ">" after the script, but its not opened... I also tried with opening before the script start, but no luck...

sed '/script language/,/scripts>/d' filename

Re: ghostdog74 and jim mcnamara posts. There is a danger that expanding "*" will create an expanded "for" command which is too long for the shell.

A construct for unknown numbers of files and allowing for space characters or awkward characters in filenames. The "if -f" can prevent accidents with filenames containing awkward characters.

ls -1 update.0001* update.0002* 2>dev/null | while read file
    # Only remove the echo if you are happy with what will be deleted
    if [ -f "${file}" ]
         echo rm -f "${file}"

then pass to xargs