Need to pass Oracle SQL output to Linux and back... Help!

Hi all,

Hopefully you can help. This is what I'm trying to achieve:

  1. Obtain a list of usernames out of an Oracle Database
  2. Based on this list, link each username with an Oracle Internet Directory (OID) GUID
  3. Using the username and GUID perform a database update for all users

Here are the commands:

  1. This is SQL which is not the scope of this forum. Let's say I'll have a flat text file that has each username listed on a single line as the output
  2. Now I have to run this list against OID to obtain the so so called GUID. For this I'll run:
    text $ ldapsearch -h $OIDHOST -p $OIDPORT -w $OIDPWD "(sn=<USERNAME>)" orclguid sn

The output looks like (used jdoe as a username example):

cn=doe\, john 
  1. Now I need to pass this back to SQL
    Ideally I have one file that takes the output above and prints it like
jdoe B2E3F3CADE9EF026E0430AFE192AF026

Any thoughts how to do this easily? Remember that the output of step 1 will be a list of app 100 users, and the final output of step 3 should basically have the GUID printed next to this (I assume in a new flat file)


Use/include an awk script to parse for "^orclguid=" and "^sn="...i.e.

/^orclguid=/ {split($0,a,"=");GUID=a[2]}
/^sn=/ {split($0,a,"=");USER=a[2];print USER, GUID}

something like that

awk can be piped to our script specified inline using ' ', or use -f to specify a awk script file.
If your ldap results in multiple lines, I would save that entire output to a file, then run it through awk.

the key here is awk since you have multiple lines that convey a single context.

This may also work

ldapsearch ... | awk -F\= '{getline;GUID=$NF;getline;print $NF,$GUID}'

Thanks for the help, but I think I'm still stuck.

So let's see I have a flat text file ldap.txt which contains

I will need to loop through those names like this

ldapsearch -h $OIDHOST -p $OIDPORT  -w $OIDPWD "(sn=JDOE)" orclguid sn
ldapsearch -h $OIDHOST -p $OIDPORT  -w $OIDPWD "(sn=HCLINTON)" orclguid sn
ldapsearch -h $OIDHOST -p $OIDPORT  -w $OIDPWD "(sn=JBUSH)" orclguid sn

The output will look like

cn=doe\, john  

cn=clinton\, hillary

cn=bush\, jeb

And then THIS output has to be put in a flat file like this

jdoe B2E3F3CADE9EF026E0430AFE192AF026
hclinton C2E3F3CADE9EF026E0430AFE192AF025
jbush G2E3F3CADE9EF026E0430AFE192AF031

I'm not sure based on your advise how to incorporate that?

while read -r U
        ldapsearch -h $OIDHOST -p $OIDPORT  -w $OIDPWD "(sn=$U)" orclguid sn
done < ldap.txt | while IFS="=" read NAME VAL
cn=doe\, john  
        if [ -z "$NAME" ]
                printf "%s\t%s\n" "${sn}" "${orclguid}"
                read $NAME <<EOF

done > flatfile

Thanks all for the help. The code below is doing what I am trying to accomplish. I figure to share this in case it helps someone, and I am open for suggestions for any further tuning :slight_smile:

# Section 1: Obtain list of user names from EBS
echo "
set echo off;
set heading off;
set feedback off;
set pagesize 3000;
set linesize 200;
set termout off
set trimout on;
set trimspool on;
spool $CLONING_LOG/ldap.txt
select user_name from fnd_user where user_id<>3304
and (END_DATE > SYSDATE or END_DATE is null)
and user_name <> 'ASADMIN'
order by user_name;
spool off
exit" > $CLONING_LOG/ldap.sql
sqlplus apps/$APPS_PASSWORD @$CLONING_LOG/ldap.sql
grep -v "^$" $CLONING_LOG/ldap.txt > $CLONING_LOG/ldap2.txt
mv $CLONING_LOG/ldap2.txt $CLONING_LOG/ldap.txt

# Section 2 obtain the orclguid from OID for these users
while read -r U
        ldapsearch -h $OIDHOST -p $OIDPORT  -w $OIDPWD "(sn=$U)" orclguid sn | awk 'NR==2,NR==3' | sed 's/^.*\=//' | xargs
done < $CLONING_LOG/ldap.txt | while IFS="=" read NAME 
# Section 3 updating the GUID in EBS from OID 
 echo "Now Updating" $NAME
 sqlplus -s apps/$APPS_PASSWORD @$CLONING_SCRIPTS/ebsclone_target_guid.sql $NAME
1 Like


It's cleaner to use a here-document for large multi-line strings.

I'm guessing xargs was to strip off quotes? That's cool. That can be moved outside the loop so it only needs to be run once instead of n times.

It's simple to skip blank lines in the loop instead of editing the temp file with a grep and a mv.

If you're editing the string with awk, don't bother with sed | cut | kitchen | sink -- solve the whole thing in one awk. It'd be nice if we could strip the quotes off too, but xargs really is better at that.

The sed was unnecessary with the code I originally gave you. It split the data on "=" into NAME and VAL. When you got rid of one of those variables you ended up having to do the splitting yourself again, with sed. But never mind, since we need awk, it can do that too.

# Section 1: Obtain list of user names from EBS
cat > $CLONING_LOG/ldap.sql <<EOF

set echo off;
set heading off;
set feedback off;
set pagesize 3000;
set linesize 200;
set termout off
set trimout on;
set trimspool on;
spool $CLONING_LOG/ldap.txt
select user_name from fnd_user where user_id<>3304
and (END_DATE > SYSDATE or END_DATE is null)
and user_name <> 'ASADMIN'
order by user_name;
spool off

sqlplus apps/$APPS_PASSWORD @$CLONING_LOG/ldap.sql

# Section 2 obtain the orclguid from OID for these users
while read -r U
        [ -z "$U" ] && continue # Skip blank lines

        ldapsearch -h $OIDHOST -p $OIDPORT  -w $OIDPWD "(sn=$U)" orclguid sn | awk -F"=" 'NR==2,NR==3 { print $2 }'
done < $CLONING_LOG/ldap.txt | xargs | while read NAME 
# Section 3 updating the GUID in EBS from OID 
 echo "Now Updating" $NAME
 sqlplus -s apps/$APPS_PASSWORD @$CLONING_SCRIPTS/ebsclone_target_guid.sql $NAME

awk can be moved completely outside the loop, so awk and xargs only need to be run once instead of n times. Since you're only using sn= (I think!) that simplifies it a lot too.

# Section 1: Obtain list of user names from EBS
cat > $CLONING_LOG/ldap.sql <<EOF

set echo off;
set heading off;
set feedback off;
set pagesize 3000;
set linesize 200;
set termout off
set trimout on;
set trimspool on;
spool $CLONING_LOG/ldap.txt
select user_name from fnd_user where user_id<>3304
and (END_DATE > SYSDATE or END_DATE is null)
and user_name <> 'ASADMIN'
order by user_name;
spool off

sqlplus apps/$APPS_PASSWORD @$CLONING_LOG/ldap.sql

# Section 2 obtain the orclguid from OID for these users
while read -r U
        [ -z "$U" ] && continue # Skip blank lines

        ldapsearch -h $OIDHOST -p $OIDPORT  -w $OIDPWD "(sn=$U)" orclguid sn
done < $CLONING_LOG/ldap.txt | awk -F"=" '/^sn=/ { print $2 }' | xargs |
while read NAME 
# Section 3 updating the GUID in EBS from OID 
 echo "Now Updating $NAME"
 sqlplus -s apps/$APPS_PASSWORD @$CLONING_SCRIPTS/ebsclone_target_guid.sql $NAME

Thanks for the suggestions. Will give a try and let you know the results!